Bill Peet's story books are simply the best. His stories and illustrations are awesome. Don't take my word for it go and get yourself a couple of his books. for more on Bill Peet
This is awesome book by Robert S oliver published in New York, 1979 is one of my most prized books. Its a great book to flick through and soak in Robert's amazing sketches. It covers all aspects of sketching from line, shape and detail to composition and perspective. I know very little about the author apart from whats written on the blurb which is a shame. I would imagine Robert is retired now after spending many years sketching and teaching Architectural Design at Arizona State University. Some the sketches are reminiscent of Evan Hecox drawings and illustrations, maybe he's got this book stashed away in his studio! Robert S Oliver
Love or hate the privately owned giant of the snowboard industry, you got to give it to them they produce some pretty incredible catalogs and marketing material.
Stacked with quality photos and artwork worthy of any snowboard magazine
or coffee table book. For more spreads radcollector photos will sherman
here i will collect the random, the interesting and bizarre in an attempt to inspire you and to keep track of all the cool things i come across in my daily flicking of the internet and life in general